
Faculty who are using the psychology publications module of PWT and moving to the Faculty Campus WordPress service will have several options.

#1  Use to host publications

  1. Create a folder in BOX account called PUBS
  2. Invite jbcosca  (Josi will upload all your publications from the psychology server to this BOX folder)
  3. Create a page called PUBLICATIONS.
  4. Copy and Paste your list of publications
  5. Select title of publication you would like to link
  6. Go to your BOX >>  PUBS folder
  7. Select publication and select SHARE (images)… a box will appear…
    2. Click on DIRECT LINK
    3. Highlight and copy the direct link.
  8. Paste the link to Publications page
    1. Select WordPress Link icon on the top menu bar
    2. Paste the link
  9. Repeat from #5 to #9 for the next publication

#2 Upload into WordPress Media Library

  1. Create a PAGE called Publications
  2. Copy and paste your list of publications.
  3. Upload publications (pdf format only – 1MB limit per document) into the Media library.
    1. NOTE:  as of 1/1/15, campus has raised the limit to 10MB.
  4. Select one of the publications uploaded
  5. Copy link of publication,
  6. Open Publication Page again,
  7. Highlight the record title of the corresponding publication
  8. Click on the link icon on the top menu,
  9. Paste link, select open to a different tab.
  10. For the next publication, repeat from #4 to #10

#3  Use teachpress to list your publications, provided they are in bibtext format.

If publication list is in any of the UC library systems like PubMed, there is an option to convert the list into bibtext format, which can then be uploaded into wordpress. This option is also available through ENDNOTE, which is available for free from

 #4  Creat another site for publication media only.

Create a new site for your publication media.

  • Select NO for “Don’t allow search engines to search this site”.
  • Upload publications into MEDIA.  You can drag and drop in bulk.
  • After document has been uploaded, select a specific document
  • Copy the URL of the document

Go back to your primary website publication page.

  • Find the correspond publication the this list
  • Highlight the title  (change the color of the text).
  • Select the LINK icon
  • Paste the URL
  • Select UPDATE  >> test the page




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