
 Custom CSS for CLORIATO Theme

Custom CSS for changing background color. That theme lets you use a custom background image, but doesn’t have a way to set the color.  If you want to set the background color to #666666 put this CSS in the ‘Custom CSS’ area located under the ‘Appearance’ menu.

.custom-background{background:#666666!important;} =============================================================

 Remove grayed out box on top of the main picture

Custom CSS.
.home .conference {display:none}

Remove Search on the header

<span style=”color: #555555;”>.top-search{</span><br style=”color: #555555;” /><span style=”color: #555555;”>display:none;</span><br style=”color: #555555;” /><span style=”color: #555555;”>}</span>
.header .top_right_bar #searchform{